Jumat, 02 November 2007

pemBANGKIT semangat

Semarang, 03 november 2007

Baru tadi malam saya mendapatkan satu nasehat kuno Jepang yang disampaikan pada acara makan malam di salah satu hotel di Wonosobo
beliau bernama Nishio-San....apa yang diucapkan beliau adalah untuk membangkitkan dan mendongkrak semangat kami sebagai tim yang telah lama berkutat dalam agricultural business untuk tetap termotivasi.
kutipan dibawah ini adalah merupakan inti dari nasehat tersebut

one time seeing better than thousand times hearing
one time thinking better than thousand times seeing
ones make action better than thousand times thinking
distance and times become the obstacles for us to know actual condition of something, we should go to the site, think and make action---->>> don't only think do what you have to do

from my point of view, words above remind me of the hard condition happened last year

coz of climate change and circumtance make our wasabi plantation getting worse

bamboo frame was broken and felt down to wasabi plants, we repaired the bamboo frame and shading net for a month

and until now controlling wasabi plantation have been being done by all managers and supervisors using rotation inspection

I attach wasabi plant picture here

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